Lesson 23: Giving your opinion in a meeting

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Giving your opinion in a meeting - Making a point and interrupting


Je suggère...

I suggest...

Je suggère que nous organisions une autre réunion avec le service informatique.

I suggest we have another meeting with the IT department.

Je pense que nous devrions...

I think we should...

Je pense que nous devrions revoir nos plans pour l’année prochaine.

I think we should review our plans for next year.

D’un point de vue....

From a ... point of view...

D’un point de vue marketing, c’est une super idée.

From a marketing point of view, it's a great idea.

Je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée.

I don't think it's a good idea.

Ça n’a aucun sens...

It doesn't make sense to...

Ça n’a aucun sens de passer beaucoup de temps là-dessus.

It doesn't make sense to spend lots of time on this.

Désolé d’interrompre.

Sorry to interrupt.

Désolé de vous interrompre. Je pense qu’il y a d’autres priorités pour le moment.

Sorry to interrupt. I think there are other priorities right now.

Je comprends ce que tu veux dire, mais...

I understand your point, but...

Je comprends ce que tu veux dire, mais il y a d'autres priorités.

I understand your point, but I think we have other points to address first.

Here's a tip

In a meeting, we'll often need to make a point and sometimes we may need to interrupt someone else. Remember that in French we put an emphasis on politeness - this is no different in a business context. This unit will teach you a few useful phrases for making a point and interrupting politely.

Don't be shocked if "le ton monte" (things get heated) during a meeting. French people are quite direct and are not afraid to offer their opinion - but don’t take it personally! You’ll notice that some people who argue will happily eat lunch together afterwards.


Marta: Je pense que nous devrions organiser une formation pour la nouvelle stagiaire Marketing. Programmons-la pour mercredi prochain...

Marta: I think we should schedule some training for the new marketing intern. Let's schedule it for Wednesday next week...

Iván: Désolé de vous interrompre. Je pense qu’il y a d’autres priorités pour le moment.

Iván: Sorry to interrupt. I think there are other priorities right now.

Marta: Je vous comprends mais elle a besoin d’en savoir plus sur le travail et l’entreprise.

Marta: I understand your point, but she needs to learn about the job and company.

Iván: D’accord, eh bien dans ce cas, je suggère que vous organisiez une réunion rapide avec elle lundi matin. Il n’y a aucune raison d’attendre mercredi.

Iván: Ok, well in that case, I suggest you arrange a short meeting with her on Monday morning. It doesn't make sense to wait until Wednesday.

Marta: Bien vu. Je vais le noter dans mon agenda.

Marta: Good point. I'll put it in the diary.